Research Centre for Cloud Computing

Research Centre for Cloud Computing

Name of Coordinator: Dr. Raghavender K V

Designation: Assoc Professor

Email: [email protected]

The Cloud Computing encapsulates an organization’s strategic approach to leveraging cloud technologies for enhanced operational efficiency, scalability, and innovation. This outlines key facets such as services offered, infrastructure, security measures, and the organization’s commitment to meeting evolving business needs. To revolutionize organizational operations and technological landscapes by harnessing the power of cloud computing. Our mission is to provide scalable, secure, and innovative cloud solutions that empower businesses to thrive in the digital era. We are committed to delivering cutting-edge services, fostering collaboration, and ensuring the seamless integration of advanced technologies to drive efficiency, flexibility, and sustainable growth for our clients.


  • To carry research projects and make significant contribution to Technological Advancements in Cloud Computing.
  • To encourage faculty and students to publish technical papers in reputed National and International Journals, Conferences and Books.
  • To form R&D group among the faculty members and encourage them to take part in the R&D activities in Cloud Computing.
  • To produce patents based on the work carried out in the research centre.
  • To create opportunities for students and exploit the available resources to the benefits of industry / Society.

Faculty Members

S.No. Name Designation Qualification Specialization
1 Mrs S. Sandhya Assistant Professor M Tech Cloud Computing
2 Mr G Nagababu Garigipati Assistant Professor M Tech Cloud Computing


S.No. Name of the Equipment
1 COMPUTER SYSTEMS – HP Pro 280G2 Desktop, Intel Core i3-6100 6th Generation Processor. 4GB RAM / TB HDD / DOS / 18.5” Monitor / Keyboard / Mouse
2 Cisco 24 port switch
3 D-Link 16 Port Switch


S No

Name of the Organization MOU Date Purpose



IBM 7-6-2022 To conduct skill development activities in the area such as AI,Quantum Computing, Cloud Computing, Cyber Security


Workshops and Training Programs conducted on Cloud Computing Research Centre:

Name of the Workshop/ Seminar Number of Participants Date 
IBM Cloud 89 13-10-2022
Workshop on “Amazon Web Services” 40 22-08-2022 to
one week workshop on Amazon web services 180 03-04-2022 to
A Handson session on AWS Introduction 47 20-11-2021
In-House Inter-Departmental, Four day FDP on “Developing Applications based on Arduino & Cloud operations 30 March 2021
Building Chatbots Using IBM Watxon 66 15-02-2020
Workshop on Virtual Labs 78 06-01-2018

List of Projects Carried out Under Research Centre

List of Funding projects Granted for various schemes during A.Y:  2021

S.No Name of the Funding Agency Name of the Principal / Co-Principal Investigator Title of the Project Month and Year Cost of Projects(in Rupees) Duration Sanctioned Id
1. Non Government Dr. Sasidhar B K.Sneha Reddy Health System Automation using Cloud Jan 2021 0/- 3 Years On going

List of Projects Carried out Under Research Centre

List of projects carried out During the A.Y : 2021-22

S.NO Name of the Student Name of the Faculty Project Title
1 Tabassum Sultana Abdul Bari Dr.N.Kalyani Assistant Bot Using Rasa Bot Framework

 List of projects During the A.Y : 2022-23

S.NO Name of the Student Name of the Faculty Project Title
1 Valgot Sherya Mrs. N. Divya Multi Classification deep learning model for diagnosing COVID-19 and Pneumonia from CT Scan.
Vundavelly Gayathri
Vulpala Akshara
Nirupama varma
2 A. Yagna Gayathri Mr.N.Venkateswarulu VIT-A-WIN
Suraka Maha Lakshmi Reddy
U. Devi
3 Lahari Yadav Mr. Anil Tellur Aura: A Digital Music Streaming Service
Kunduri Vaishnavi Reddy
Kapa Bhavana Reddy


List of publications

S. No. Title of paper Name of the author/s Name of journal Year of publication ISSN number
1  Performance Evaluation of ML-Based AWS Security Evaluation Model for Cloud Computing Dr.M.Seetha  Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing  2023  2194-5365
2 A Review on the Determinants of a suitable Chatbot Framework-Empirical evidence from implementation of RASA and IBM Watson
Assistant Frameworks
Dr. N. Kalyani, Tabassum Sultana International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) 2022 e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 09 Issue: 09 | Sep 2022

3 Accessing Cloud Services using Token based Framework for IOT Devices Dr. D.V .Lalita Parameswari Webology 2021 Vol. 18,Issue 2,pp: 199-211,December 2021, IF: 1.57
4 RWWO: An effective strategy for workflow scheduling in cloud computing with predicted energy using Deep Maxout Network G.Narendrababu Reddy Energy Harvesting and Systems 2021 Vol.8, Issue 2,


October 2021, IF:0.086

5 Resource integrity-aware flexible resource scaling approach over sensor-cloud P. Keerthi Chandrika International Journal of Power trains 2021 Vol. 10, Issue 2, pp:175-187,August 2021, IF: 1.04
6 A Study on Algorithms Towards Data Security Issues in Cloud Computing Environment G.Nagababu International Conference on Smart Data Intelligence 2021 978-05-21463-39-3

List of Book publications

  • IOT BASED REAL TIME SMART Agricultural IRRIGATON SYSTEM INTEGRATED WITH MACHINE LEARNING TECHNIQUE USING IBM WATSON – Book Published by M. Lalitha, Assistant Professor, CSE, GNITS, with ISBN-13: 978-93-91462-67-3 in VSRD Academic Publishing FIRST EDITION, JULY 2023, INDIA

Awards/prizes Won

Name of the Institution / Teacher / Student Name of the Award/ recognition Name of the Awarding Body/Agency (Government/Government-recognised agencies/ bodies) Month and Year of award
Gayathri II CSE A, D. Divya, E. Vandana, M. Ashritha, II CSE B I Prize in Hackathon & offered internship, externship Smart Bridge Solutions Pvt. Ltd Dec 2021
Ch. Sai Charitha, K. Pujitha, R. Laxmi Krithika, II CSE C II Prize in Hackathon & offered internship, externship Smart Bridge Solutions Pvt. Ltd Dec 2021
