CoE – Deep Learning in Eye Diseases Prognosis

CoE for Deep Learning in Eye Diseases Prognosis

Name of Coordinator: Mrs.Y. Sravani Devi

Designation: Assistant Professor

Email: [email protected]

The center of excellence Deep Learning provides facilities to both faculty and students. This CoE gives skilling, launching products, cutting edge research, generation of funds, proactive outreach to industry and community.

This CoE initiates the detection of eye diseases like diabetic retinopathy, age related macular degeneration, glaucoma and cataract are important as there is a high risk of vision loss with growing age. It is essential to have a monitoring and predictive analytics system for the prevalence and the diagnosis of eye diseases to avoid the future risks. Eye Disease is the primary cause of blindness among adults due to optic nerve damage by an increase in intraocular pressure within the eye. There is a need of designing a pre- screening tool for the early detection of eye diseases for the elderly people. This  can be utilized ophthalmologists time effectively for the needy people with severe eye disease.


  1. To design an automated pre-screening deep learning tool for the early detection of eye diseases.
  2. To design deep learning models for the prognosis of eye diseases at early stage.
  3. To design automated deep learning models for any dataset.

Faculty Members

S.No. Name Designation Qualification Specialization
1. Mrs.V. Divya Raj Assistant Professor M.Tech ML & DL
2. Mrs.T. Swapna Assistant Professor M.Tech ML & DL


S.No. Name of the Equipment Quantity Cost
1 ODOC NUN Fundus Capturing Device. 1 2,43,019.00/-
2. D-Eye Fundus capturing device for iPhone 6 Plus / 6s Plus. 1
4 Snapmaker 2.0 A350

Snapmaker Rotary Module

Snapmaker A350 3D Printer Enclosure

1 + 1+ 1 2,75,000/-
5. Dataset from AIMERS+labelling. 80,000 5,00,000/-
6. DR,Glaucoma and ARMD datasets from LVPEI datasets 500 1,00,000/-

MOU’s (CoE):

  1. LVPEI
  2. Aravind Eye Hospital.

Collaborated Eye Hospitals:

  1. Sharp Vision Eye Hospital.
  2. Shanthi Netralaya.
  3. School of medical sciences,HCU, Hyderabad.


Outcomes in the form of training programs, workshops conducted, papers published, projects, industrial visits etc.
